Current Major New Construction Projects

T-ATS: Towing, Salvage and Rescue Ship
Scope: Parent craft design and nearly all HM&E equipment
Shipyard Bollinger + Austal
T-AGS 67: Oceanographic Survey Ship
Scope: Retractable Bow Thruster and Steerable MP Thrusters
Shipyard: Bollinger

LCS: Littoral Combat Ship
Scope: Waterjet System including Thrust Bearing, HPP’s and Seals
Shipyard: Austal
EPF: Expeditionary Fast Transport
Scope: Waterjet System including Thrust Bearing, HPP’s and Seals
Shipyard: Austal

ESB: Expeditionary Sea Base
Scope: Main Shaftline w/ FPPs + Emergency Diesel Generator
Shipyard: NASSCO
PSC: Polar Security Cutter
Scope: Main Shaft-line w/ BUP
Shipyard: Bollinger

TAO: Fleet Oiler
Scope: Main Reduction Gear, Emergency Diesel Generator, Pumps, Entertainment System
Shipyard: NASSCO